Miracle Art of Cody Allen Seekins (USA)

Usually the guests of  THE SECRETS OF PERFECTION are grown-up enough artists, and today a welcome opportunity is to represent very young, very contemporary and very talented artist from the United States Cody Allen Seekins. Sincerity, mysteriousness, deep sensitiveness, lively imagination, fine sense of composition, fluent drawing are his features. Before our eyes his images open themselves like most beautiful, clear and fragile flowers. Cody cultivates conscious meditation and he can be reckon among esoteric artists. But his magic is not black. His emotional attitude kindhearted, childish, willy-nilly it makes us remember Lewis Carroll's Alice, A. de Saint-Exupery's Little Prince and their adventures in miraculous worlds. Such world outlook is fashionable now -- let us remember success of Harry Potter. Talent of Cody sooner we can call as talent of illustrator. Saying that I give not any negative hint, because even magnanimous Michelangelo can be characterized with this same word.
THE SECRETS OF PERFECTION wishes the best luck Cody in his subsequent work!
Jurate Macnoriute
The World

Spider Gnome

White Rabbit: Lessons in Becoming Prey,
Charcoal & Oil Mural on Wall; approx. 72" X 48"

Sunset Flower, Oil Painting; 19" Diameter


Copyright © Cody Allen Seekins


Visit gallery of Jurate Macnoriute