In the 7th issue of THE SECRETS OF PERFECTION I am introducing modern artist from former Soviet Union Victor Babanin. I do it amiably at the request of the part of Western public that interested in Russian and Soviet art.
Victor Babanin is the representative of the middle generation of Ukrainian artists. At times in Victor Babanin's paintings we can notice the influence of Lithuanian painter M.K.Ciurlionis (Silence); at times when melanholy visits Victor his visions remind about Goya (Stalker's house, Three solitude, Fog Morning); at times the emotional attitude of Picasso also appears in his drawings; at times his sensitive lyrics take the lightest shade of irony; at times he becomes not deep and speedy. But in any case Victor Babanin remains distinctive and masterly. Victor Babanin is like a bridge between classical and modern art. In his creative work best features of traditional and new art live together.
Victor's attempt, like V.Vereshchagin's (1842-1904), to do something for
Victor Babanin.
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of Perfection